What’s In Commercial Hemp Oil?

Here’s Some Info On Hemp
A common questions we get here at TICO* is whether or not there is any THC in our hemp oil. While the short answer is no, I thought I would take a moment to share with you a bit about the commercial hemp industry.
THC is short for Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the chemical substance within the Cannabis Sativa plant that gets you high. It is found mostly in the flowering tops (buds) of the plant and never in the stalk or the seeds. Cannabis buds with an average potency of 2% to over 20% are considered Marijuana but Cannabis strains with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% are classified as Commercial Hemp, and the psychoactive properties are non-existent. These vastly different strains are most often confused as being one in the same, but they are not.
While the essential oil extracted from Commercial Hemp is legal in the United States, and every other country for that matter, the cultivation of Commercial Hemp is not legal in the U.S. Countries like Canada, Spain, China, Japan, Korea, England, France, Africa, North Africa, Egypt and Ireland recognize the different strains and their qualities and allow the government regulated cultivation of Commercial Hemp crops.
They do so because the fibers and the seeds are an excellent commercial and sustainable crop. The growth cycle is very short, and the crop is durable and easy to grow. The fibers are ideal for clothing, twine, biodegradable plastics, paper, and even specialized paper products like currency, industrial filters, tea bags, and interestingly enough, rolling paper. The leftover ‘hurd’ from the fiber extraction is also ideal for creating newspaper and even biomass fuel. Every single part of the plant is commercially viable.
The Hemp seeds are an extremely valuable commodity because their nutritional value is second only to Soy beans as a source of complete vegetable protein. More interestingly, hemp seeds contain all 8 essential amino acids in the correct proportions that humans require. This is the kind of stuff you want to be putting on your skin. The seeds contain an impressive 30% to 35% oil by weight and the left over seed casings are ground into flour, which provides a rich source of protein.
In both the cultivation and uses, Hemp is an amazingly environmentally friendly crop. It requires little or no pesticides as it is naturally resistant to pests. It even creates its own herbicide that keeps weeds at bay. Just think of all the trees we could save by using hemp to make all of our paper. After all, the stuff grows like a weed (sorry, it’s just too easy).
The history of the illegalization of commercial hemp in the U.S. is one rooting in lobbying by big industry, but I will not digress. You can learn more by reading this informative historical summary of Commercial Hemp, as it is an interesting story.
One of the most beneficial things you can do to support this economic and environmentally friendly industry is to be a hemp consumer. Using products like TICO* Shave Oil are not only great for your body and the earth, is also a great way to support this tide of change that could make an enormous positive impact on our planet.